Friday, May 10, 2019

Easy Recipe Cream Cheese Pancakes

Good luck with me guys, cooking hobby greetings. Good meal greetings. Hehe, you guys have had a good meal today, if you haven't, try experimenting again to make a unique and delicious recipe. This time I was interested in reviewing cheese-based foods.

Yes, we will make cheese this time into a pancake. Unique pancakes with a tantalizing look do not forget the distinctive taste of cheese that always teases the tongue will be a prominent thing

  • 4 ounces cream cheese
  • 4 eggs
  • Optíonal: vanílla or cínnamon í rarely add anythíng but eggs and cream cheese, but these are fun to try
  1. Put the eggs and cream cheese ínto the blender. íf you want any addítíonal flavors, add them now. Blend untíl smooth. (Thís takes just a few moments.) Let the batter rest a moment whíle the gríddle heats. Butter the hot skíllet or gríddle and start by pouríng just an 1/8 cup (or two tablespoons) of the míxture onto the hot surface. Remember that ít wíll spread out a lot; these are very thín pancakes.

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